Friday 18 October 2013


1 comment:

  1. Hi Helen, I think this is the last time I am grading your work as all the staff and reading groups have switched. Overall your work is very well done and sometimes it seems you are beyond this class. But other times it seems like you need to come up with some more original thoughts and not just repeat what you read and what you hear in the lectures. I am confident you are up to this and I pray you will personally end up going way beyond this course in your study of the Word. I am not quite sure what to think of all your references to "identity" and God having dreams for each of us. At times, to me, this smacks of modern psychology. Last time I checked God wants us to die to all of our dreams and to all that we are or want to be, including our identity so we can fully live for him an not for us. Maybe I am just splitting hairs, but maybe not. Either way you have done some good work for me and hopefully groown in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus. Randy
